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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finding a Common Thread

I'm mentoring a 6th grader through Achievers For Life. It's been a great experience and I've developed a relationship with a young girl, who wants to be a cheerleader. We're definitely different in regards to interests and age. In middle school, I participated in band. I wasn't preparing to join the cheerleaders team in the 6th grade. I was practicing how to play my clarinet without squeaking!

Though we're different, we've both found a common thread that we share. Both of us have a sibling, who has a disability which requires special education classes. Both of our siblings aspire to be models.

It is by this common thread, that we're able to relate to one another. I have learned that mentoring helps students academically and emotionally. Though mentors and students only see each other once a week for an hour, it makes a difference.

This is my first time mentoring since I participated in First Coast High School's STAR Buc's program in 2005. STAR Buc's stands for Students Taking Active Roles Buccaneer Style. I along with three seniors mentored a classroom of 9th graders, who were at-risk for failing the FCAT. At the end of the year, the classroom voted me as "Best Mentor." Recently, I was informed that my mentee would be the "Success Story" for her middle school. She's improved academically and her behavior has changed too.

It makes me proud to mentor a child - it's the most important hour of my week!

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