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I am more than a statistic.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

He likes my Fiction!

So I emailed my husband the fictional novel I'd been working on since 2006. I was surprised by  his reaction. When I was working, he left me a voice mail saying how he couldn't stop reading it. I was glad that he said it was a page-turner! He kept motivating me to write more, finish the story because he wants to know what happen's next. Does she go back to the no good men she's dealt with in her past? Does she begin a future for herself on her own? These are all good questions that I don't have the answer to. Whenever I write, I'm writing from experience and from my imagination. I guess I have these characters in my head and I hear their voices, desires and dreams. I hope to finish my fictional novel one day. I know that if I can get someone to read my novel whenever I publish it that'll make my day. If they say they love my story and they learned from it, that would make me smile. If a publishing company wants to publish my work...that would make me holler!

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