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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Learning How to Walk

At one time, we all didn't know how to walk. We were all crawlers and our parents had to carry us around. My son is learning how to walk. He still clings to the side of furniture, holding on because he's afraid to fall. I love to see him take steps, his arms and hands in the air while he tries to keep balance. When he does fall, I say "Good job" and clap my hands. I want my son to know that it's OK to fall and get back up again.

In a way, I feel like I'm learning how to walk too. Learning to walk alone without my husband here by my side. Learning to be dependent on myself and budget money for our family. As adults, we believe we already know how to walk yet we're afraid of falling. What I'm saying is that we're afraid of failing so we don't take the steps to fulfill our dreams or self. 

Be a child, hold on to those around you for support but take steps toward fulfilling yourself and personal goals.

Learn how to walk all over again.

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