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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Power of a Tweet!

Social media is prevalent in our society. It is the way we communicate, engage and interact with friends, colleagues and strangers. It's a networking tool for recent graduates and business professionals.

The simple use of a hashtag can be a lead to specific jobs in a particular field. For example,  #HAPPO stands for Helping A PR Professional Out. Hashtags are used for different chats ranging from TV shows, movies, music, marketing and events. People tweet throughout the day; while they eat, sleep, drink - and drive. That's scary but it's true.

I don't think I need to explain the basics of Twitter further. We all have been there and tweeted that.

I want to discuss the power of a tweet. Tweets have tremendous power and influence. Think about about the latest news article you read because of a simple tweet. Most of the time, Twitter plays a major influence on the new information we learn about different individuals, organizations, and companies. I learned about the Jacksonville Public Education Fund (@JaxPEF) from a simple tweet. That tweet lead to my current internship. The power of a tweet. Of course, I emailed the right person of contact and was scheduled an interview.

Even politicians such as Mayor Alvin Brown of Jacksonville, Florida understands and knows the power of a tweet. I checked into the Jacksonville Children's Commission via Foursquare and shouted "Mentor Training!" If you don't know about Foursquare, you deserve a badge of shame. #Imjustsaying. An hour or so later... @MayorAlvinBrown responds stating "Thanks for mentoring! That's awesome!" Once again, the power of a tweet.

Check back for Twitter screen shots!

Follow me @AletaTurner 
Most of the times, I'm tweeting about everything under the sun in 140 characters or less.

Be happy. Tweet happy.